Saturday, June 2, 2012

Research First!


We start off our great Gatsby search with, what else, research first. We usually use Craigslist to find local garage sales. Below is a picture of our sale list for one weekend. As you can see, since we're pretty much into the swing of summer here, there are lots of sales to go to.

Due diligence is the key for any collection you're trying to amass. You're not going to find everything in one weekend, but if you do, SCORE!

Now, when we go "Sale-ing" (get it? like sailing), we like to take ride bicycles. Yes, it's a bit slower than driving and yes, you can only cover maybe one town and if you find that must have Victrola at a sale it can be a pain to bungee onto your Schwinn, but it's a great way to get some exercise and you don't have to hassle with finding a parking spot. But, if you do happen to buy that vintage Victrola, most likely the proprietors of the sale would be happy to hold it for you till you come back with your auto.

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